May 31, 2010

Henrietta Lacks: A Legacy of Love

This is Mrs. Henrietta Lacks. To some, this name means nothing; to millions around the world, this woman's is the reason they're alive today.
Loretta Pleasant was born and raised in Southside Virginia in 1920.
Ms. Pleasant married and moved to Baltimore and became Mrs. Henrietta Lacks (no one knows why her name was changed from Loretta.)
Early in 1951, Mrs. Lacks discovered she had an aggressive form of cervical cancer; as she
was being treated, her cells were removed without her consent for research. Her cells were referred to as HeLa (hee-lua) cells so doctors wouldn't have to disclose the name of the donor.
Mrs. Lacks passed in October of 1951;buried in an unmarked grave, she passed unaware of the extraction of her cells and the impact she would have in the world of medical science.
I strongly encourage each of you to research the history of Mrs. Lacks life and the "HeLa cells", there are many articles relating to her life as well as a book entitled "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" (Skloot.)
Over the past thirty years, the Lacks family has been making strides to have their beloved mother, sister, grandmother's name honored, on Saturday, May 29, 2010 the healing began.
A doctor with Morehouse College in Georgia provided funds to give Mrs. Lacks a proper headstone so people from all walks of life can identify the final resting place of this phenomenal woman.
I had the pleasure to attend the memorial service for Mrs. Lacks in my hometown. I was glad to see so many people in attendance on a Memorial Day weekend. I later began to see that the base if attendees were the extend family of Mrs. Lacks. This was the first encounter for many of the family members, and you could feel the love for one another.
Doctors, family members, public officials gave remarks on the life and legacy of Mrs. Lacks and the way the HeLa cells are still saving lives to this very day.
The highlight of the ceremony for me was the remarks of a pastor in our area. To paraphrase his remarks, he gave what some would call a prophetic vision of the day doctors/scientist discover the cure for cancer thanks impart to the HeLa cells.
I found myself very moved, to the point of tears about this woman and her story. She was my age when she passed away and almost sixty years later, I had the opportunity to be in the midst of her family and friends.
As I heard how the HeLa cells are used, I felt a since of gratitude to Mrs. Lacks as she could be the reason my grandfather lived an easier life as he battled cancer. I thought about the couples that now have families of their own, those who don't have to endure endless sickness because of one woman's unique genetic code.
The service ended with a sense of closure with optimism for the future of science and of course, love.
There is more to come from this story, so much more. I hope this has given you as much interest as it has given me. I also hope to follow up on Mrs. Lacks in future entries.
Thank you, Mrs. Lacks.

Memorial Day

On this day lets remember those children forced to fight in wars and let's put a stop to this.

Please read:

May 30, 2010

Where there is love, I'll be there....

Walking to Emmaus by Fritz von Uhde

On the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35)

Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; but they were kept from recognizing him.

He asked them, "What are you discussing together as you walk along?"

They stood still, their faces downcast. One of them, named Cleopas, asked him, "Are you only a visitor to Jerusalem and do not know the things that have happened there in these days?"

"What things?" he asked.

"About Jesus of Nazareth," they replied. "He was a prophet, powerful in word and deed before God and all the people. The chief priests and our rulers handed him over to be sentenced to death, and they crucified him; but we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel. And what is more, it is the third day since all this took place. In addition, some of our women amazed us. They went to the tomb early this morning but didn't find his body. They came and told us that they had seen a vision of angels, who said he was alive. Then some of our companions went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said, but him they did not see."

He said to them, "How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?" And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.

As they approached the village to which they were going, Jesus acted as if he were going farther. But they urged him strongly, "Stay with us, for it is nearly evening; the day is almost over." So he went in to stay with them.

When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight. They asked each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?"

They got up and returned at once to Jerusalem. There they found the Eleven and those with them, assembled together and saying, "It is true! The Lord has risen and has appeared to Simon." Then the two told what had happened on the way, and how Jesus was recognized by them when he broke the bread.


May 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Rebbie and La Toya Jackson!

The It's All For L.O.V.E. webteam would like to wish Michael's big sisters Rebbie and La Toya a very Happy Birthday!!!

May you be blessed today and for the next years to come...

May 25, 2010

May 25th, International Missing Children's Day

The disappearance of 6 year old Etan Patz, on his way to school in New York, 1979 was the event that led to this day of raising awareness for missing children around the world - the ones who have found their way home, the ones who have been victims of a crime and the ones who are still missing.

Nine countries around the world (Australia, Brazil, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Nederlands, Romania, South Africa and United Kingdom - member countries in  the Global Missing Children’s Network) have joined in to pledge support and strengthen the efforts to bring missing children home to their loved ones and actions are supported by the European Union.

Whether the children are running away and end up loosing their way and are not able to get back home, whether they are victims of a crime, including parental/family abduction, action must be taken by all of us to ensure they are returned to safety. All of us - authorities, NGO's and us as individuals.

Please join us in prayer for all the missing children 
- may they find their way home - 
and their loved ones.

Also read:

China's Child-Trafficking Epidemic (Spiegel Online) 

For more informations please visit:

Don't You Forget About Me - YouTube Channel

International Center for Missing and Exploited Children

The Global Missing Children's Network:

May 24, 2010

Poet's Notion - Tribute to Michael Jackson

This beautiful and heartfelt tribute to Michael was written and sung by lovely MJ Fam member Carina Lanes. Michael Jackson is one of her biggest role-models.

The song "Poet's Notion" was written right after his passing when she went to Los Angeles to pay her last respects to him in July 2009. "He left us something that we can continue and with this in mind I want keep doing what I do."


A Poet's Notion

It was june
and the night was quiet
i will always remember
I smelled the rain
when the news
almost made me surrender
I looked up
for the sign of a lie
praying for a wonder
I'm caught alive
in a blaze
craving for a blunder

It's a poet's notion
to fall away too soon
I fall away with you
I'll make it a better place
like you told me to
even if I fall away too

Is it too late?
am I overcome
by a rational fate?
How can turn back time
or buy eternity?
cos you're the one we need

It's a poet's notion
to fall away too soon
We fall away with you
We'll make it a better place
like you told us to
even if we fall away too
even if we fall away too

written by Carina Lanes MySpace
arranged and produced by Muca MySpace

May 23, 2010

The Lost Children - Child-Soldiers

This cannot continue...

 credit for the

"Children need be the victims of war only if there is no will to prevent it. Experiences in dozens of conflicts confirm that extraordinary actions have been taken and can be taken to protect and provide for children." State of the World's Children, UNICEF, 1996.

With total misregard for  “The Convention on fhe Rights of the Child”, Article 29 (1), approximately 250.000 children under the age of 18 are thought to be fighting in conflicts around the world, and hundreds of thousands more are members of armed forces who could be sent into combat at any time. (Source for dates:

Any war and any armed conflict always accompanies massive crimes against humanity, against civilians and especially against children. The less defense a person has the more this person has to suffer demages. In wars, hate rules and children have to suffer agonies – physically and  psychologically.

We can hardly imagine the impact of armed conflicts on children who are fighting as child soldiers. There is no source giving datas how many child soldiers lost their lifes , but we all know for sure that any child soldier looses his childhood and his soul was sold for war.

We all are supporting the problem as long as we do nothing to stop it. 

So let´s do something...

  •  get facts
  •  stay informed
  •  spread the word
  •  sign petitions
  •  shop for the cause
  •  donate
  •  join the movement                                                                                                                            ....and never forget to care about the "lost children". Thank you for reading.

Choose what you want to know. You´ll find a lot of informations here:

May 19, 2010

Randy Jacksons wants fans to be able to pay respect on the anniversary

Randy Jackson is working on an arrangement to allow people into the private mausoleum in California’s Forest Lawn Memorial Park to mark the anniversary of his brother´s Michael death next month.

 Photo credits

He tweeted: “I’m meeting with Forest Lawn and the City of Glendale. Although they have strict rules, I'll do my best 2 see if fans can visit & pay their respects beyond the gates of ForestLawn, on the 25th. I will inform you all soon.”

The Michael Jackson Fanclub of Southern California not only visits Forest Lawn  the THIRD of every month  at 1:30 pm but also kindly offers all fans from all corners of the world to deliver their cards and gifts. 

For more info, visit MJFSC´s Facebook page HERE

Please send cards/gifts to:
PO Box 575
Atwood, CA 92811-0575

Thank you so much for this loving and caring act. Very much appreciated. 

 Addition on May,27th


May 17, 2010

Random experience at the MJ memorial, Munich

This afternoon in between two appointments I managed to pass by the MJ memorial, which is a rare experience on weekdays for me.

When I came nobody was there and I lit up some candles. Then a group (around six) of older ladies came by (all way beyond 60, more beyond 70!) and they were soooo full of AWEs and talking about Michael and the memorial, showing each other those pictures attached, pointing at them like: "Look at him on this, when he was a kid. Oh, on this he was older. Oh, that is a nice one." etc.

So lovely! Then they asked me, if I was taking care of the memorial and I responded that I'm just lighting up a few candles this time and the place is something many people contribute to every day...

One of them said: "There is so much vandalism around these days, so it's even more amazing it's still there and so beautiful!"

I told them they have been hater-attacks but we wouldn't let them destroy the love and the more beautiful it is, less people are trying to destroy... "Aaaah, yes, right. Thank you."

Then they were all taking pictures of the memorial and group pictures in front of it.

It made me smile for the rest of the day...

Everytime I see people there that are a bit outside of Michael's regular "core target / fan group" (I know he reached so many different people but still I haven't met those ladies on the concerts!) it makes me even more proud and happy because I feel Michael's legacy is being restored amongst the "regular people".

I feel that bit by bit... "the truth unfurls"! All of those articles / media attacks / madness / accusations, etc. are somehow fading in history and the L.O.V.E. more and more comes shining through!

For further generations Michael will be remembered for what he was and on a side note it will be said that he was facing a lot of opposition for it.

We all, as the global MJ fam, contribute to this process everyday and more than anything I thank all of you for it and I am proud and happy to do my part.

Let L.O.V.E. rule!


Watch this beautiful video from MJ Memorial in Munich. May 14, 2010 (three days before this post)!

May 16, 2010

     Happy Birthday, Janet Jackson


My first crush was Barry Manilow. 
He performed on TV and I taped it. 
 When no was around I'd kiss the screen. ~Janet Jackson

This has turned out to be a very  seminal crush, bringing lots of good music to the world....and for decades there are several boys who kiss the screen when "Miss Rhythm Nation" is on...


Janet Jackson's Rhythm Nation 1814 emerged the best-selling album of 1990 and made history as the first album to generate seven top-five Billboard hits.
The commercial success of  Janet Jackson's album became part of an important turning point for black women in the recording industry. 

After being known for many years simply as "Michael´s little sister" she graduated stronger. For her fans she is the one and onle queen of dance pop.
Not just because of the dedication of Rhythm Nation to  social and political themes this will always be for me one my favorite albums. 

Happy Birthday, Janet Jackson. 
Thank you for the music. 

LOVE and God bless.

May 14, 2010

MJ Art - Michael Travel Into Light

click to enlarge

created from and inspired by
"HIStory - Live in Munich, 1997"

(recorded July 4 & 6th 1997, Munich, Olympic Stadium)

May 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Mr. Stevie Wonder !!!

Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there. 
Stevie Wonder

My first Stevie Wonder album was "Songs In The Key Of Life" and it was a vinyl. It is music at it's finest and offered me the best possible way to experience the WONDER.
Many other are far more qualified to discuss his life and his work all i know is how his music makes me feel. 

1976 - Songs In the Key Of Life - Love is Need Of Love Today 

From his 1987 album - Characters - a duet with Michael Jackson

Happy Birthday Mr. Stevie Wonder !!!
Thank You !

Let us come together before we're annihilated. 
Stevie Wonder

Remake of "Earth Song" to honor the King of Pop

"A group of young Hollywood artists came together to recreate MJ's Earth Song and there is no denying... the Magic was in the studio. 50/50 music group's Dani Wright was inspired by MJ and found it necessary to bring her talented friends together to honor and pay tribute to the King of Pop with this 2010 video remake of "Earth Song". Not only is this a tribute to the King, but it is a call to action, and a recognition of the times we are living in. Don't simply watch this video,share it with your friends, family, and the world to help renew and live out the legacy created by the world's greatest entertainer, Michael Jackson.

Long Live the King."~Dani Wright

We are glad being able to share one more wonderful tribute to MJ  on our blog.
Thank you so much  Dani and all the contributing vocalists of the 50/50 Music Group. You are doing a great job.

Michael would love it......... 

Michael Jackson In His Own Words

"The deeper I go into myself, the stronger I become, because I realize that my real self is much bigger than any fear"

"Innocence is simple and trusting like a child, not judgmental and committed to one narrow point of view"

" I know most people don't think of me as tough or strong-willed, but that's just because they don't know me"

"The Planet is sick, like a fever! If we don't fix this now, it's at the point of no return"

"Her magic is infinitely lavish, and in return, all we have to do is appreciate it" Michael on the Earth

"When we open our hearts and appreciate all she has given us, nature finds her reward" Michael on the Earth

" I have rhinoceros skin, but at the same time I'm human. So, anything can hurt like that. But I'm very strong"

"Life is the healer of life, and the most I can do for the earth is to be its loving child"

"Through the grace of God, I have been fortunate to have achieved many of my artistic and professional aspirations"

" In place of anger I have found absolution, In the place of revenge I have found reconciliation"

" People have misunderstandings of what life is all about. They put value in the wrong things and in happiness they lose out"

May 10, 2010

Requiem For A Dream

Feel invited  to watch a brilliant video montage and really wonderful tribute from 3utterfly, which shows what Michael will always be remembered for .....

A heartfelt thank you goes to 3utterfly for creating this short film and for sharing it with us - all for L.O.V.E.

May 9, 2010

We've got more problems than we'll ever need

The headlines here today were all about a tragic event yesterday, when a man who had psychiatric problems decided to use a long chopper to hurt everyone he saw in his neighborhood. He killed an old lady, and a young man who was going to get married soon, and seriously injured a few others who haven't got out of critical condition yet.

Yesterday we bid farewell to Mr. Wong Fuk-Wing in his funeral. Mr. Wong was a volunteer from Hong Kong. He was working for the children in Yushu county in Qinghai when the horrible earthquake on 16th Apr happened, one that ultimately killed over 2000 people. At that moment, Mr. Wong escaped from the collapsing orphanage successfully, but he decided to go back into the orphanage and rescued 3 children and 1 teacher who were trapped. After pulling the 4 out, he went back again trying to help another trapped teacher, and there came the aftershock quake again which was so strong that the building collapsed further and took Mr. Wong's life.

At the same time, huge charity shows raising money to help victims of earthquakes are happening rather frequently now. We know there have always been earthquakes every day somewhere on the planet, but those to the magnitude that kills and their frequency of happening has gained our notice. Just in the first 4 months of this year, we had Haiti, Chile and Qinghai as the major foci here. And then there was this drought over numerous areas in mainland a couple of months ago, threatening lives and the whole country's production lines.

While US mourned for the mine workers who died in an accident in early April, people here are not as much shocked. Look at the statistics of coal mine disasters in China. We are almost desensitized by the scale and frequency of explosions and accidents. The consumption of coal fuel is essentially stained with human blood. And we, people living in a relatively more developed place, remain ignorant to the sacrifice in the process, or turn a blind eye and pretend it doesn't happen, or say, "oh my god" and life goes on.

Just a day or two ago i was horrified by just the title of a youtube video being shared on facebook, about a dog set on fire alive and the process taped. i couldn't bare this idea at all and never attempt to watch it or look for the details. And i was appalled realizing that such video clip is freely accessible for all internet users of all age rather than banned, not to mention real action to investigate into the matter.

In another email i received yesterday, PETA is telling us some restaurants in NY is cooking oceanic creatures alive, or torture them by chopping them bits by bits alive. In their own words: "positioning lobsters so that they can watch themselves being eaten". They shared a video link that i opened, and couldn't stop crying over that. Such practice is so common over Asia and i've never been alien to that. Whenever i see such videos, i feel ashamed of mankind. How can we laugh as we are killing with torture? Predators in the wild do their killing fast and clean, and they don't waste. We homo sapiens claiming ourselves to be the most intelligent creatures among all life forms, torture our fellow villagers of planet earth in order to satisfy our tastebuds for a few seconds.

And we have this word "humane" named after "human".

I have been writing as thoughts flow in my mind. If there is anything i really want to say in this piece of scattered thoughts, it is that i wanted so much to wish every one, especially mothers, a happy mothers' day, but the fact is i don't feel cheerful enough to say that heartily...

So many lives died out of so many different reasons every day. But do we give it a damn? How much do we care about our planet, our people, our neighbourhood, animals that share the earth with us, and life as a whole?

What Has Come Of All The People
Have We Lost Love Of What It's About

What have we done to the world
Look what we've done

Magnitude 7,2 quake rocks Aceh

About 170,000 people were killed in Aceh from the 2004 earthquake and the tsunami it launched. 

 Child left homeless in Aceh province after 2004 earthquake 
Photo credits:Choo Youn-Kong/AFP/Getty Images 

Last week another powerful earthquake measuring 7.2 on the Richter scale jolted Indonesia`s Aceh province and its vicinity on Wednesday in the early morning.
People are still traumatized because of the devasting effects of the  2004 earthquake and a tsunami, that gave the world a picture of the apocalypse.
The impact of the actual earthquake are not foreseeable yet. 

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the people in Indonesio.

May 8, 2010

Focussing on Michael

No comment.... but I can definitely relate to Kitty Cat!

May 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Mrs. Katherine Jackson!

The L.O.V.E. blog team would like to wish Mrs. Katherine Jackson a very happy 80th birthday today!!!

Words cannot express the love and respect we have for you. Thank you for everything you have done for Michael and his children!!! It will never be forgotten...

We wish you all the very best for the next year to come. May it be filled with love and luck!

You are always in our prayers. Thank you!

The L.O.V.E. blog team would also like to wish Mr. Jackie Jackson a very happy 59th birthday today!!!

Thank you for being an amazing big brother to Michael, a great person and a true fighter for truth and justice!

You're also in our prayers. Stay true!

May 3, 2010

Jody Watley Thrills ~ MJ Tribute Pt. 1

Photo source: Jody Watley: On Music,Pop Culture, Life

Its been 10 months and we still yearn for Michael Jackson.

This reverence for him has a hold on die-hard fans, no matter their stature. Take Grammy-Award Winning icon, global style trendsetter Jody Watley, known for hits such as "Looking for a New Love," and "Still a Thrill. " In 1988, Jody Watley won the best new artist Grammy (Watley was no novice to the industy, but had begun her solo career at this point, after being a part of the R&B Trio Shalamar).

Click read what she wrote the day after Michael's passing on her blog "On Music, Pop Culture, Life." One of the recollections that she offers is when Michael warmly congratulated her on the Grammy win, and that this special encounter with him, nearly overshadowed this major accomplishment in her career.

During live performances at Billboard Live in Japan two weeks ago, Ms. Watley celebrated her love of Michael Jackson with her audience, treating them to her free-style dancing to one of her funkiest hits, "Still a Thrill." A young fan joined her on stage, displaying her amazing free-style dancing, including poppin' and lockin', of which Michael was so instrumental in bringing to the masses.

So, without any further spoilers, check out the next post, "Jody Watley Thrills~ MJ Tribute Pt. 2. " Watley performs her classic hit, " Still a Thrill" in this video. This phrase certainly applies to Watley, and will to Michael, forever.

May 1, 2010

MJ Special True Crime - Aphrodite Jones

Within the last days a lot of turmoil was going on in regards of Michael Jackson. Unfortunately this kept away the spotlight from a TV show that REALLY deserves our attention.

The "True Crime" MJ special by Aphrodite Jones.

Most of you are familiar with her work and constant fight for truth and justice for Michael through her book "The Michael Jackson Conspiracy". For everyone who hasn't read it yet, please do!

So yesterday her "True Crime" MJ special aired and everyone should take the time and watch it and spread the word. Make sure you also thank Aphrodite Jones for everything she's done! Find contact links below.

Here's the show:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Please also read Charles Thompson´s excellent entry on Aphrodite Jones's Michael Jackson documentary:

Info on Aphrodite Jones:




Thank you AJ, your work and loyalty is seen and appreciated!

I love you Michael, just because of who you are.

I don't know how to start with this post because there is so much I want to say about this and yet I can't find the write words to put it all together. I will try to do it as best as I can, and I hope that after you have read this article to be able to be a little more open minded and don't get so stressful with this kind of things because they are always going to exist, so it's up to us, to decide wether or not are we going to follow this media circus or go into another way. After have said this I will start my post.
Yesterday I saw a lot of very angry tweets from a lot of Michael's fans, probably most of them. All the tweets were just for one person to @AliciaJacobs. I have to say that I don't know who this woman is, I have never heard of her before in my life and I get a little bit curious so I asked to @sohappi what was the problem, because I was seeing all the fans very angry with this woman, so @sohappi told me that this woman was saying that Michael was gay and she was preparing a Tv special with his supposed lover a guy named Jason Pfeiffer, who works as a CEO at Dr. Arnold Klein's office. Everybody was so angry so I decided that I will not get ungry until I have took the time to think about this and have read all the facts, including what this woman was saying. After a lot of thinking and reflections I get to one conclussion.
Honestly I don't care if Michael was gay or not, because I don't love him because of his sexuality, I love him because of all the things he did for all of us, for the world, and the children. I love him for all the lessons he taught us. I love him for all the beatiful music he created and all those amazing dance moves. I love Michael because through his songs he made me believe that I was the woman who he was singing to, and in fact I was, like all of us. I love him because for him the people in need was first, because he really had strong beliefs, because when I was ten years old he was my role model, I know that I wanted to be like him or at least the half of how he is. But most of all I love him for the beautiful human being he was and still is, because his essence is still alive. So, my question is: Who cares if he was gay or not ?. My love don't change, it remains the same. So I refused to spent all my energies getting ungry because of what a woman was saying, I preffer to concentrate all my energies on Michael´s message, and on try to heliang the world and help the people in need.
I'm going to finish this article saying that I don't have doubts wether if Michael was homosexual or not, but in the case of he was and all the things that this man says are true, I feel happy that he have found the love on someone, I don't care if it was a man or a woman, because for me everybody has the right to choose who love, so I'm just happy because he found love.