January 11, 2010

~Its A MJ Thing

    ~Its A MJ Thing

  • Saying "Shamone" multiple times in your conversations
  • Yep I love everybody here u know? =)
  • Makin' ya grandpa scream with his "I Heart MJ" shirt on and then making him faint
  • Driving on a bus for more than 14 hrs to get to his show!
  • I’m proud to say I’m a MJ junkie!!
  • Losing friends because they don't support my feelings for Michael
  • Having to move because your MJ stuff doesn't fit your apartment anymore!!!
  • Having thousands of fans tattoo MJ their skins
  • Having a huge Internet family that loves you :)
  • Fans who will always be there no matter what


  1. Oh, I´m really looking forward to Mondays because of the #MJthings! My today favorite is this one:

    Makin' ya grandpa scream with his "I Heart MJ" shirt on and then making him faint.

    Thank you for collecting, posting ....and for making us smile.

  2. GREAT!!!!!! Smiling BIG time!!! #MJMagic!!!!!!

  3. hm.. am I too late to post a comment on this article? *please answer "No", pls..* :) I just read it.. and I loooove (*read the word 'love' with MJ's style when he sang "ABC"* hehe).. I loooove the part of losing friends, that is soooo true! nevertheless, losing friend (of course not BESTfriend-they're simply just understand you), but finding a huge FAMILY, #MJfam!! love it!! - @MJacksonwords
