April 5, 2010

The Michael Jackson Memorial in Munchen (Munich)

"When you are born, you cry and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries."
Tibetan Buddhist saying

For the Easter weekend I took a trip to Munchen to meet with two wonderful friend, both part of the blog team and see the Michael Jackson Memorial set up in front of the hotel "Bayerischer Hof" at the Orlando Di Lasso statue.

With whatever thoughts and feelings I went to Munchen (and they were all very positive) what I found there exceeded all my expectations.
On a personal level I found LOVE in a friendship that went beyond countries and continents. Full. Wonderful. Unrestricted.

As for the Michael Jackson Memorial ....

I don't think Michael was a God but God like, I don't think he should be regarded as a supra human being or someone from another world. I don't think he should be remembered but for what he was - man, a wonderful human with a huge heart, having the courage to follow his talent and share it with the world, having the courage to follow his mission and never giving up. 
A wonderful person. A man.
His humanity is the one aspect that changed the world and got us all together.
And that is what i found in Munchen.

The Michael Jackson Memorial is the place where people of all ages, races, sexes, beliefs and so on come together. Fans or not they all gather there.
It's a place of reflection and of remembrance. A place where all the noise of the surroundings and of the media craziness falls silent. And all is left is the feeling of communion, of being together in honoring a MAN.

"If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with."
Michael Jackson

Denkmal für Michael Jackson in München
A private memorial for Michael Jackson in Munich

The blog team would like to thank the fans making sure the memorial stays organized and beautiful so that the City of Munchen won't oppose it and we want to state our support for their petition for a permanent official memorial honoring Michael Jackson.
Please show support by signing the petition. For further informations please check their web site and their Facebook page, listed below.


  1. Thank you sooo much for the post! I have nothing to add to the magic but THANK YOU. To you for coming by. To Michael for making this a possibility. To everyone who contributes to this magical place that has become a second home to me in many different aspects.

    Thank you to the city of Munich to show their humanity in between burocracy for accepting and protecting the place. It makes me proud and happy.

    It's all for love. L.O.V.E.

  2. Knowing -and often fighting against- the bonds of burocracy I am grateful that the City of Munich found a way to "allow" this sign of LOVE...at least for the first time being.

    Thank you for the post, which is written with your heart. It´s very moving to see that 3 loving and caring fans of Michael from 3 different countries and 2 continents first became friends online and now met in person.

    #ItsanMJthing ...to travel to the Memorial in Munic and to meet there sisters of the virtual #MJFam.

  3. I've nothing to say but thank you. Thank you for this beautiful and magical article, for taking the time to have sent the photos to our e-mail and for sharing this beautiful experience with us. I think is amazing how Michael's fans from different countries are able to talk and share feelings and opinions through the internet. it's also amazing how we're able to support each other and fight against the same things and how passionate we are when we talk about Michael and injustice in so many different ways.
    I'm sure you had a great time there going to the memorial and meeting with the girls of the blog.
    It's all for L.O.V.E and I'm 100% sure that place was full of love.

    Thank you again.

  4. I literally started to cry when I read this Sis. You have definately expressed how many people part of the MJFam feel. It only shows that his "Message of Love" still continues on...through the fans that he loved, and that loved him in return. Love is always TIMELESS.

    Very beautiful. Thank you for sharing this.

  5. Lovely blog post, so intense. I can almost feel what you felt and I thank you for that. I have to go there, I have to.


  6. @ladydukka You are always welcome to visit!


  7. so beautiful-i thank God every day for Michael. thank you for posting this!

  8. Thank you @doublebeee and @mike1909!! It was like a dream cone true!
    Thank you very much to Munich - I'm so proud of the fans there, and grateful to the wonderful people who keep maintaining the memorial such beautiful!
    It was more emotional to be there than I imagined...

  9. Thanks for representing the MJ fam for those who could not travel there. The memorial sounds just wonderful! You're correct. Michael is not a god, but I just think it seems that way because he has people all over the world, in every country, that LOVE him. Who else can you say that about? I remember back in the day when the Beatles, I think it was John, stated they were more popular than God. The tabloids flew all over that one. But he was right. He did not mean it the way it was perceived, he stated. The same could be said for Michael. There isn't anyone on this earth that hasn't at least heard his name. Michael's legacy

    will live on forever, I believe, and I think Michael should forever be remembered
    with this memorial. Always in my <3.
