June 5, 2010

Getting in on action for June, 25th

Dear members of the #MJFam and #SoldiersOfLove, 

plans for the “It´s all for L.O.V.E” blog on June 25 are coming up.

Karen Faye said: “We should honor his life and what he gave the world in June...and try not to feel sorry for our personal loss.

Supporting this intent, our  All-for-LOVE-webteam wants to publish very personal statements from Michael´s beautiful international family of fans to honor Michael on this day. We know that you  all will go on loving him. It hurts that he is no longer physically with us – but we all feel his spirit every now and than very strong and we a very grateful for this. He brought us together on the internet to share our grief and he keeps us together to comfort each other and to bring LOVE back into the world to make a change.

If you want to take an active part of our plan for this blog it would be nice to send us a note with some personal words. You may of course take your favorite quote or some of Michael´s lyrics. Your message will get more personal, when it is handwritten and than scaned into a jpg-file. 

Add your twitter-name, please and –if you can agree to this-  your country right below  your statement. For the security of your privacy and data: We will delete your mail and address all at once and just save your attachments  or mail content you want us to publish on this blog.

Send your statements to: 

Thanks for joining us and all your support. We really do appreciate this very much. As single persons  we are nothing but weak– but our community and LOVE makes us strong and allows us to make a change. Remember: “We all are ONE.”

Thank you. 
Love, peace and joy to your hearts.

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