August 18, 2010

Are we blind to the fact that our children are raging against the indifference, crying out against the abandonment, or thundering against the neglect?

The aftermath of the Pakistan floods is beyond tragic.
20 million people have been displaced.
6 million children have been affected by the floods.
3.5 million children are at risk of disease.
Politics, religion or anything else should fade away in front of the human suffering.

Our prayers are with the victims and their families.

Please help

Pakistan Flood Disaster Relief


Save The Children - Pakistan Children in Emergency Fund

Red Cross



Music For Relief


  1. Thank you so much for this post!

    Let’s show the people of Pakistan that people and governments around the world stand with them in this awful crisis, which is far beyond anything I can imagine.(Helping the flood victims is an act of L.O.V.E and has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with supporting the government of Pakistan or even terrorizers!) 15 million human beings without home, mostly without food, without medical care.... and it´s us who have to share our love and to help that they don´t lose their final remnants: hope and life.

  2. Wonderful post.
    We´re those who have to stand up and help the people in Pakistan, because sometimes the government and politicians don't get involve as they should. So we´re the ones who have to start to take care for each other and share the L.O.V.E we all have inside. As Michael said IT STARTS WITH US!. So please, let's start to help!. Only we are those who can give them hope by showing them that they´re not alone and that we care for them.
    I´ll pray for them.
