September 19, 2010

A Very Happy Birthday, mike1909

Credits for the picture:

Your birthday 
is a special time to celebrate
the gift that YOU are to us, dear sister.

The entire blog-team is grateful to have met you. We wish you for the next year of your life that some of your wishes will come true- and that some may be left so that you can dream up many new. Thank you for all your L.O.V.E and neverending support and compassion.


  1. :) I'm speechless - thank you so much
    I'm so happy to have you all my friends, my soul sisters.
    Your love is amazing.
    THANK YOU !!!
    I'm a better person because of you. Having you around it's one of the blessings in my life.
    God bless.

  2. Happy birthday !. May all your dreams come true!. We´re lucky to have you in our lives.
    Gime Vacarezza.
