February 21, 2011

Happy birthday dear Blanket!

The "It's All For L.O.V.E" blog team would like to wish

Prince Michael Jackson II a.k.a. Blanket

a very happy 9th birthday today!!!

You have been through a very hard time and had to go through more than a child of your age should ever face but we do hope that by the love and support of your family and loved ones, and by the love you get from all over the world, there is a happy and lovely year ahead for you!!!

May you be blessed and rewarded today and for the rest of your life!

We're sending out a major L.O.V.E!


  1. Happy Birthday Blanket !
    Many blessings

  2. Thanks @doublebeee for taking the task to send out our LOVE to Prince Michael Jackson II a.k.a. Blanket on his birthday. I´d like to add some irish blessings to the message of love above:

    May the wind always be at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face,
    and rains fall soft upon your fields.
    And until you meet your daddy again,
    May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

  3. thanks you guys--i'm sure Blanket is aware of all the LOVE that is being sent his way... xoxo
