May 16, 2011


We have many definitions for strength. We relate it to resilience, (physical) force, will power, courage,wisdom, beliefs ... Rarely we mention love and trust when talking about strength. I guess because we still view emotions as weaknesses rather then strengths.
I have been changing my understanding of the concept and today I find it difficult to give a definition - I can only begin to explain it with the example of people I know and/or have in my life. And it usually involves their amazing capacity to love, to give, to care and to trust.

Happy Birthday my dear friend !
May your prayers be answered.
Thank you for your love and strength.


  1. Great post!

    Happy birthday my dear sis. May you be blessed and your prayers answered.


  2. What a surprise...this is too too kind (I'm in tears...) thank you very much! God bless you!

  3. God is so wise that he never created friends with price tags. If He did, I wouldn't have been able to afford a precious friend like you.

    May your new year in life turn out to be a good one.
