December 22, 2010

Children´s Day: What Children wish

This is just the time of the year people all over the world  are wondering what they are going to give the children for Christmas to put  smiles on their faces.
What we give depends a lot on where on this beautiful planet we are living, if and what kind of income we have and many more social factors.

Last week I learned about an internet survey where children were asked how they would spend money if they were rich and had about 1 million $.
The results are interesting:
Here is the top 10 what children would do 
with 1 Million Dollars:
  •  place 10     save the money
  •  place 9      spend money on a meet and greet       .............. ..           with Celebs
  •  place 8      toys
  •  place 7      sweets (and not to forget to make an appointment:::                                      the doctors!, notation made by me ) 
  •  place 6      clothes
  •  place 5      fulfill wishes of all family-members
  •  place 4      computer games
  •  place 3      pets  
  •  2nd place   donations to Charities
  •  1st place    a luxury villa for the family

I do not know whether  the children could  run  the questions in a single or multiple instances. This internet survey is only based on  material  things and  therefore somewhat superficial.The more I am pleased about the children thinking clearly  very social  and  to raise the intent "donations to Charity" on the second place. It shows that our children are that kind of dreamers this world needs to survive ; it shows that our children are loving and giving human beings, willing to get in action to make this world a better place.
This is a lesson that our children have less material interests than we mostly assume them to have. Anyone who lives with children, especially those of us who work on a professional base, can experience that children´s real wishes  and dreams deep inside aren´t material at all. They wish health (especially when a family member is not at good health) and they dream of living in a happy family and to be loved.

These wishes and dreams reveal the childlike wisdom that we all do not need much more if we have a warm home, no lack of food, education and when  there is the love and appreciation we need.

                                           Children always felt Michael Jackson´s love

~They who dream by day are cognizant of many things 
which escape those who dream only by night.~
(unknown author)


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. Thank you !!!
    Children are so resourceful and have such unaltered views of the world and love.
    We should be more open to learning form them.
    We must be getting better at offering them protection.
