December 18, 2010

Getting ready for Christmas...


~ Until one feels the spirit of Christmas, there is no Christmas. 
All else is outward display--so much tinsel and decorations. 
For it isn't the holly, it isn't the snow. 
It isn't the tree not the firelight's glow. 
It's the warmth that comes to the hearts of men when the Christmas spirit returns again. (unknown author)~ 

Michael Jackson might have left this planet,  but he will never be forgotten.  The world will not forget him being an unique artist, but most of us will also always remember him as humanitarian and giving person, a beautiful living soul, who has fought throughout his life for suffering children  All over his lifetime, he donated incredible loads of money to a number of foundations  intending to heal the world.
Michael will have felt the spirit of Christmas all over the year...and not just in december.
By his will he is going to live on as a giving humanitarian;  charities will get support for many, many years beyond his death.

On the occasion of Christmas, I would like  (one more time) to ask for your attention  for a project in Haiti, organized for the children in the poorest area of Port au Prince, Cité Soleil.  After checking out the fotos you will agree that the life in  Cité Soleil is far away from being as nice as it´s name seems to promise, especially not for the children, ....especially not after the devasting earthquake in january 2010.

A  group of volunteers around one of Haiti´s most famous DJs, Carel Pedre, distribute every Sunday a warm meal to about 300 children. 
Take some time to learn more about the project by following into our archive of posts where you find additional links which will give you a picture of "The Sunday Project in Haiti".
Don´t miss to watch Karlitos video.

"To honor the children of the world,
I vow to help the sick & dying, the alone, homeless
 and hungry in every corner of the world."- Michael Jackson

There are many campaigns, organizations, and charities directly related to Michael that you can donate to. If you follow the links, Raven, the appreciated  author of this beautiful blog has published, you will get to Charities which you might like to support.

A special shoutout goes to this project
This group’s reputation and purpose needs no introduction! Most of you will have already crossed @yogadancer7´s paths or the account @trees4MJ on Twitter. A small donation of $15 ensures the planting of 15 trees in Michael’s name.


  1. The planet and our children need our full attention and our sustained efforts in order to heal their ailing

    Thank you for posting and drawing our attention to these issues

  2. Thank you Cassarah!!! I planted some trees a while ago, there's a lot to do on this planet.

  3. As always, your beautiful words touched my heart and i am so grateful to my friends here at "It's all for L.O.V.E."blogpost for keeping us all informed and encouraging us as we follow our hero's direction to "make that change". You are all beautiful with huge hearts and i am so blessed to know you. Losing Michael has been a heart-ache for the world and yet, because he has left us, we have all gained a greater understanding and-dare i say- a more intimate relationship with our mentor...and we've now got this amazing, beautiful community! As it turns out, he has not left us; we are not alone; and we are all growing, learning and truly is all for L.O.V.E.!
    So I thank you, dear friends, for your love and support of "A Million Trees for Michael"-i tear with joy when i think of all those trees reaching for Heaven! And most of all, I thank you for the personal love and support i've received from my friends here-you are a great blessing and i thank God for you.... <3
    Love always, yogadancer7 xoxo :)
