December 16, 2010

Please Support Save Lids to Save Lives!

Hey to all our lovely blog followers, this month we all decided that it would be a great thing to do to promote charities and organizations that are making a difference and spreading the L.O.V.E. there are SO many excellent ones out there & it is our plan to feature a different charity every week for the rest of December. In some peoples eyes Christmas has became the seasons of GETTING when it is, in my opinion the season of giving. This is the time of year to donate to charities and organizations who are trying to help families get through what to many has become a rough time with the economy the way it is these days. Of course we should all donate all year round but I feel like in December love is in the air, there is a peace that isn't felt at other parts of the year. besides helping the charities we feature we ask you to please, if you have extra coats or clothes that are gently used don't throw them out there are so many places in your community that will take them and give them to people in need, the same with food, so many food drives taking place in hopes all families can have some sort of Christmas dinner.....

This weeks featured charity is from Michael Jackson's United Nation International Fan Club or MJSUNIFC they have a charity team the "It's All For Love" team & right now they are supporting the Save Lids to Save Lives. Yoplait's Breast Cancer Awarness, this is the 12th year Yoplait has done this and they gave guaranteed a donation of at least 500,000! please visit to learn more about MJSUN's Charity Division and please go to to learn more about the drive!! Cancer affects so many of us, our families, so many of us have lost people to cancer. This charity is drive is close to my heart, about a month ago i had the scare of my life, the doctor told my Mom she could possibly have breast cancer, 3 agonizing weeks and 2 scary biopsys later we learn she only has a benign tumor, my mom was one of the lucky ones, others aren't so lucky and need our help please please go, read up on it & if you can please do what you can to help!
**Note Yoplaits Save Lids To Save Lives is part of the Susan G Komen for the Cure, donations there are always welcomed too and so needed!**

---Next weeks charity spotlight, Make-A-Wish----


  1. Thank you to introduce us to the lids-charity.
    It´s so important to beat cancer...

  2. We need to work together and raise awareness and funds towards research and treating cancer.
    Thank you for this post
